Since this is truly a massive series with intricate plots and an epic scope any analysis and in depth study of the series as a whole of course precludes the necessity of spoilers appearing in some fashion or another. Having already read all the books at least once I of course am immune to any spoilers which may appear, however it is of course my understanding that others who read this may have only read the first book, or have yet to move on completely to the other books in the series.
My assumption however is this, I will be assuming that anyone who is reading this series will at least be caught up to A Dance With Dragons and will have read the main series at the very least, if not all the out rigger stories like Dunk and Egg. It is therefore the authors supposition that you are reading this blog with full knowledge of the main series at least and any information I post here is no surprise to you. If you having not read some story or another find something inside which you consider a spoiler despite this, too bad. I will not tolerate anyone who complains about spoilers.
I will post a notice at the start of each post that will say spoilers ahead and assume that you will have read this notice and realize it does not just encompass whichever book I am commenting on at the time.
You have been warned.